Game:  Traffic Lights                                     Type: Fundamental Movement

Cycle: I, II                                                     Activity Level: Easy, Medium

Tactics:  Listening attentively, remembering different commands

QEP:  Comp. I, locomotor skills, Comp. II, methods of communication


Layer 1: 

Children all start on one line, at one end of room.  Teacher yells out commands: red light=stop, yellow=slow, green=go/fast. 

Layer 2:

There are so many different commands that could be added, for example:

Roundabout - turn round once, Speed-bump - jump and carry on, Low bridge - everyone walks around hunched over/low to the ground, Rain - use arms to mimic windshield wipers, Reverse Parking - walk backwards


Gender specific commands, girls and boys each have own set of commands.

Indoors or outdoors can change command options.

If someone forgets a command they have to start from beginning.

Add a few more commands each class.

Take a drivers test at the end of the unit. They receive tickets if they don't perform the commands correctly. They have 4 chances and at the end of the class, all children receive a driver's license for their efforts.

Instead of traffic signals you could use video game and video instructions.


Plenty of space between students. Head up, looking around.

Everyone should remain under control.

No sprinting, unless outside.