Game:  Balloonminton                                   Type: Net and Wall 

Cycle: I, II                                                     Activity Level: Easy

Tactics:  shot selection, hitting to empty space, returning to ready position

QEP: Comp I, time and space, coordination, Comp II, rules, scoring,


Layer 1:

Players face each other on opposite sides of the line.  One player hits balloon with a racquet (e.g., badminton racquet) across the line to the other player.  Play continues until balloon hits the ground in bounds and point is scored.

Layer 2: 

Cross-legged Balloonminton: Players sit cross legged on the floor and hit balloon back and forth, without lifting off the floor. Define a small playing surface with ability-appropriate sidelines.

Doubles Badminton: Two players per side. Play with a net at badminton-level height. Increase number of players per side. Can be played cooperatively (e.g. continuous rally) or competitively (e.g. balloon hits the ground).


Players can use a "self hit" before sending it back over the net. A self-hit allows the player to hit it up in the air first before sending it back over the net.   Players can hit the balloon multiple times.

The balloon can touch the ground once before it is hit.


Be careful swinging racquets if others are close by. 

Don’t let go of your racquet.