Game:  Add ‘em up                                        Type: Striking and Fielding
Cycle: II, III                                                   Activity Level: Easy, Medium

Tactics:  score runs, move quickly as a group
QEP:  Comp II, communication, offense, defense

One batter hits a ball off of a tee, and then the batting team moves as a team between the base and home. 1 point is scored each time a team is successful in reaching the base.  Fielders field the ball and then throw it “home” to stop play once all fielders have touched the ball. Each fielder must touch the ball before this can happen.  Batters and fielders switch once all batters have hit the ball.  Batting teams keep track of their running total; the game ends when a team either reaches a pre-determined amount of points, or a number of innings have passed

Batters throw an object into the open space rather than using a tee. 
Fielders pitch the ball; batters bat with or without an implement. 
Batters move using various forms of locomotion.
Use varied objects that may be easier to throw/grip (e.g. bigger, lighter balls, rubber chickens).

When the batting team is running together, ensure that players are aware of their surroundings.
Be careful when throwing an object.  Swing with a bat under control and NEVER throw it.