Game:  Bounce Ball                                       Type:  Net and Wall
Cycle; I, II,                                                     Activity Level: Easy

Tactics:  returning to ready position, using empty space, getting opponent to move
QEP: Comp I, coordination, Comp II, rules, scoring, strategy

Layer 1:
Define a line and space that is age and ability appropriate.  Players stand facing each other on opposite sides of the line.  Players start by bouncing the ball on their own side, so that their partner can catch the ball in the air, after it has crossed the line.  Ball can not touch the ground.  Partner bounces the ball back immediately from where they caught it.

Layer 2:
Net Bounce Ball: Add a net or a 2m neutral zone using pylons where ball is not permitted to land. 
Competitive Bounce Ball: Play as a competitive game by trying to get the ball to land on partner's side.  
Play doubles. 

Players can throw the ball with two hands and the ball can bounce an unlimited number of times before players catch it.  Can use a large, coloured foam ball.  Can use a bright, orange skipping rope to define the line.  Players can use an underhand throw.  Practice throwing the ball at high, medium, and low levels.

Bounce the ball under control.
Careful when turning around quickly to chase after ball.
If ball goes on someone else’s court let them know and wait till they are ready for you to go get the ball.