Game: Can’t Touch This                                          Type: Invasion
Cycle: II, III                                                             Activity Level: medium

Tactics: maintain possession, score points, good passes, block passing lanes
QEP: Comp I, time and space, Comp II, communication, offense, defense, fakes

Layer 1:
The objective of the game is to maintain possession of the ball by kicking it between players.  Get a point after a team can make five successful passes in a row.  Opposing team must try to intercept the ball after it has been passed.  They can not take a ball away once a team has it under possession.  Once opposing team gains possession of the ball it is their turn to pass the ball around while the other team attempts to regain possession.  Can only block passing lanes and intercept the ball, no stealing the ball if it is under another players control.

Layer 2:
Place a goal at each end of the field/gym.  Must try to score in goal after a certain number of passes. 

Players throw and catch instead of kick.
Introduce the use of implements (e.g., hockey sticks, lacrosse sticks, etc).
Limit the number of "touches" on the ball.
Change the type of ball being used. 
If player has foot on ball, it can’t be stolen.

Heads up and scanning.
No sliding, no kicking while ball is under foot (base).