Game:  Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes         Type: Fundamental Movement
Cycle:  I, maybe II                                             Activity Level: Easy
Tactics:  Body control, learning body parts and names
QEP:  Comp. I, parts of body, position of body, kinesthetic feedback

Layer 1: 
Have the children stand in a large circle. Then ask the children if they know where their head is. After they all say yes, repeat the step asking if they know where their shoulders, knees, and toes are.
Layer 2: 
After doing this and they are familiar with the parts of the body begin to sing the song... Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees, and toes... (As you sing the words they touch that part of their body). This is a great way to stretch out and this gives them an understanding of their body.

Sing the song slow or fast, or at different speeds. 
Use the names of other body parts. 
Going in a circle, have each student call out the next part of the song.

Make sure no one gets dizzy and falls over.
Plenty of space between students.